Editorial work, 2022-2024

PagoPA, a public administration service that deals with facilitating relations between citizens, the State and businesses.​​​​​​​ 
The corporate newsletter of PagoPA is an editorial product that is aimed at a multi-stakeholder audience of citizens, companies, institutions, policy makers and journalists who have registered via the form on the corporate website.
​​​​​​​JUNE 2022
The illustration had to highlight the young, flexible, smart environment of PagoPA, far from the common concept of a public company. The agency wanted the illustration to represent a participatory way of working with people pursuing common goals and challenges.
The illustration accompanied the main article of a newsletter that addressed the topic of financial education with a focus on knowledge, use and obstacles to the spread of electronic payment instruments.
The digital and environmental transitions represent two now essential lines of growth and development, which must be at the service of each other for more efficient resource management. In PagoPA's vision, innovation is certainly one of the levers available for the sustainable development of the country. The illustration should have visually represented the synergy of these two great transformations of society and people's habits.
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